Podcast: Flourishing Education Episode 37

What can we learn from ‘unschooling’ with May-Ling Thomas?

A few weeks ago I put my hand up to talk about all things home education. It turns out I had a lot to say, especially from an unschooling perspective! Of course I was helped by my host’s genuine interest and willingness to ask questions that took us into deeper territory and it was a lovely conversation because of this.

I met Fabienne Vailes at a book launch a couple of years ago and we hit it off immediately. I saw Fabienne as being on a mission to make the education system more suited to and supportive of individual human beings – something I’d love to see as, whilst I love home educating, I’d prefer all parents had a REAL choice in how they create a rich learning environment for their children.

Fabienne is currently researching for her third book and I’m excited to see where her exploration takes us. You can hear more from Fabienne on Twitter as @Flourishing HE, find her on Linked In as Fabienne Vailes, or find all her other links through the podcast.

In the meantime, have a listen to this and let me know what you think!

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